The Lake《湖》



Part of the group show Utopia《理想国》at BRC Space, Shunyi, Beijing, China 罗马湖, 顺意,北京

The Lake 《湖》installation detail

“The Lake” 《湖》is a map of the immediate area and environment around Luoma Lake, Shunyi, parts of which are slated for demolition and soon to be changed and altered. The currently roads and pathways are rendered onto the walls of the rooftop sunroom in colored masking tape. Viewing the work against a clear blue winter sky alters the paths underfoot into streaming trajectories and lines of flight.

The Lake 《湖》installation detail

“湖”是附近地区和环境的地图,其中部分地区将被拆除,很快就会发生变化和改变。 当前的道路和小径被渲染到屋顶日光室的墙壁上。 在晴朗的蓝色冬季天空下观看作品会将脚下的路径改变为流动的轨迹和飞行线。

The Lake 《湖》installation detail