All Directions Benefit 《四惠》


Mixed-Media Wall Collages and Installation

Window on Shekmai, Shenzhen, China 石米之窗,深圳,中国

All Directions Benefit 《四惠》installation detail

All Directions Benefit is an imagined landscape depicting movement, migration and connection, and created during a time when none of these ideas could be realized. Inspired by maps, trace routes, and meandering walking paths, the works are contemplations of various journeys—inward, outward, large and small.

During the pandemic lockdown, online shopping and delivery was one of the limited forms of physical contact with others. Package deliveries arrived frequently, taking many shapes and sizes; each arrival was a revelation of tape and plastic foam wrapping. The mixed-media wall collages in All Directions Benefit initially started as a way to confront a growing pile of accumulating packing materials. Over time, the works evolved into new perspectives on common and “poor” materials.

Some of the earliest highway interchanges in China were built in Beijing. The wire sculpture in All Directions Benefit is a scale representation of one of these interchanges. Transit maps of the city show that every interchange junction in Beijing’s multiple ring roads is unique; no two bridges are alike. Moving seamlessly from one point to another requires intimate familiarity with the territory; a proficiency that comes with experience and time.

All Directions Benefit is an ongoing exploration, a point on a timeline of a personal trajectory; it is an experiment that continues to evolve and change.

All Directions Benefit 《四惠》installation detail





All Directions Benefit 《四惠》installation detail

The Window of Shekmai Art Space in Shenzhen is an extension of the Dongguan-based Shekmai Short-term Contemporary Artist Residency, which started in 2017. As a response to Shenzhen’s urban environment, the Window of Shekmai Art Space will explore an alternative operational model that functions in the grey area between a non-profit exhibition space and an art gallery. Our aim, as always, is to explore the possibilities for continued and sustained diversity in the art ecosystem.


All Directions Benefit is Window of Shekmai Art Space's inaugural project